We are pleased to announce that we are now offering local National Professional Qualifications (NPQ) facilitation in Qatar for Cohort 2. The courses start from the new academic year in September 2024

The NPQs are world-wide recognised as a professional course for school leaders and is also allocated on the UK National Database of Teachers.

Why work with ILM Education Consultants to deliver the NPQs?

We work in collaboration with educational institutions in the UK and Qatar and have designed our course delivery structure which includes the following:

  • Provide locally delivered high-quality CPD through face-to-face sessions
  • Understand and plan for local needs
  • Create programmes that provide challenge and rigour
  • Give a personalised wrap-around support offer for all learners
  • Enable collaborative opportunities beyond local school network
  • Recognise talent and plan for succession
  • Develop and nurture local leaders of CPD
  • Unlike other providers, all of our delivered sessions are face to face to allow for more effective networking and collaboration.
  • Our trained facilitators are current serving expat Heads, Principals and School Improvement Consultants based in Qatar to ensure relevance in training.
  • Delivery of training in luxury setting with a full course lunch with tea and coffee.

What are the benefits of professionally developing your team through ILM Education Consultants?

By providing your middle and senior leaders the opportunity to professionally develop from the National Professional Qualifications, schools will be able to benefit from the following:

  • Long-term staff retention
  • Attractive offer for recruitment
  • Creating teachers and leaders that are invested in and excited about being a part of your academy / school
  • Making the learning relevant to the teachers’ and leaders’ contexts (culturally sensitive) and focused on the academy priorities
  • Developing teachers and leaders that are confident, reflective thinkers who critically engage with research to lead your schools
  • Nurturing teachers and leaders that can lead sustainable and lasting change and growing leaders from within
  • Leading teachers and leaders to form new habits

Cost of National Professional Qualifications:

The International proposed prices for Spring 23 / Spring 24 are as follows. Our partners in the UK are the current leading providers of NPQs and we are fully approved and accredited by the UK Department for Education. All costs are fully inclusive with no hidden extra charges.