Coaching & Mentoring Training

Short description –

This course will welcome experienced teachers, department heads, and school management staff who wish to build a school culture where teachers collaborate, visit each other’s lessons for mutual learning and development. The course will equip participants with the basic principles and techniques of mentoring and will also develop some skills necessary for building rapport, professional communication, classroom observation, active listening, and giving formative feedback tapping into coaching and counseling. Apart from input from the trainer, the sessions involve observing parts of lessons on video, short readings, role plays, and group discussions.


Detailed Description


Why develop your staff with ILM?

Our trainers and facilitators are equipped with a wealth of skills and experience in educational leadership across the globe. We aim to impart knowledge, skills and behaviors learnt in a theoretical study of leadership as well as experience of managing teams in wide range of contexts.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Differentiate between mentoring and other forms of teacher support and supervision.
  • Distinguish between class visits for support and observations for assessment; Design the structure of a post-lesson discussion.
  • Formulate questions that help self-reflection and professional discussions and self-assessment.
  • Demonstrate skills in active listening.
  • Act out a mentorial from the perspective of a mentor, a mentee, or an observer; Differentiate between constructive, formative feedback and evaluative, summative feedback.
  • Plan a mentoring process for a peer in their own school context.
Session 1 – Coaching and mentoring for teachers: an introduction Introduction to the course, the school, and the external week activities. Icebreaker activities, reflecting on career paths; Presentations of the participants’ school contexts, needs analysis. Basic principles of mentoring. Learning models, attitudes to change and change management.
Session 2 – Building trust Establishing rapport, building trust; Asking good questions. Active listening techniques. Self-awareness, self-assessment, the Johari window. Role plays of professional discussions.
Session 3 – Observation skills Class visits, lesson observations, and observation skills. Observation etiquette, observation focuses, and note-taking techniques. Dealing with feelings of success and failure; Highlighting success and laying down stepping[1]stones.
Session 4 – Giving feedback Video class visits and lesson observations; Role plays of post-lesson discussions; Formative and summative feedback. The language of mentoring
Session 5 – Mentoring skills Structure of a full mentorial (pre- and post-lesson discussion) Alternative mentoring scenarios (without class visits, peer-mentoring, etc.) Action planning for own context; Tools of professional development
Day 6 – Review & course closure Course evaluation: round-up of acquired competencies, feedback, and discussion; Awarding of the course Certificate of Attendance; learning walks and observations of coaching conversations for evaluation by trainer


Booking Details:

Please contact us to book your sessions by sending an email to:

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